Try solving these What Am I riddles. Then check the answers at the end of the questions. Enjoy!
- I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet my keys can unlock your deepest senses. What am I?
- A box without hinges, lock or key, yet golden treasure lies within. What am I?
- I am lighter than a feather, yet no man can hold me for very long. What am I?
- Feed me and I live, give me something to drink and I'll die. What am I?
- I can be long, or I can be short.
I can be grown, and I can be bought.
I can be painted, or left bare.
I can be round, or I can be square.
What am I? - I am an insect and the first half of my name reveals another insect.
Some famous musicians had a name similar to mine.
What am I? - You heard me before,
Yet you hear me again.
Then I die, 'til you call me again.
What am I? - Who makes it, has no need of it,
Who buys it, has no use for it,
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
What is it? - It cannot be seen, it weighs nothing, but when put into a barrel, it makes it lighter. What is it?
- Forward I'm heavy, but backwards I'm not. What am I?
- A piano
- An egg
- Your breath
- Fire
- Fingernail
- Beetle
- An echo
- A coffin
- A hole
- A ton
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