Friday, 1 February 2013

What Am I Riddles - 1

what am i riddles for kids, easy simple interesting riddles, what am i riddles with answers

Try solving these riddles. Have fun! The answers are at the end of the questions.
  1. Once you say my name, I am gone. What am I?
  2. I start with a T, end with a T, and have T in me.
    What am I?
  3. The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?
  4. I belong to you, but am used more by others. What am I?
  5. I am too much for one, enough for two, but nothing to three. What am I?
  6. I am a seed, three letters in the name,
    Take away two and I sound quite the same. What am I?
  7. I have three letters.
    I read the same forward and backwards.
    I know you'll get the answer, I know you'll see.
    It's a word that is important to you and me
  8. My life can be measured in hours,
    I serve by being devoured.
    Thin, I am quick
    Fat, I am slow
    Wind is my foe.
    What am I?
  9. "My first is in run, but not in won; my second in apple and also in talk; my third is in miss but not in score; my last in win but not in more."
    What am I?
  10. I have a face but cannot see. What am I?

  1. Silence
  2. A teapot
  3. Darkness
  4. Your name
  5. A secret
  6. Pea
  7. Eye
  8. A candle
  9. Rain
  10. Clock

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